Long-term stays can provide a sense of security and recurring income to operators. But long-term bookings come with the risk of leaving gaps in your calendar.
Why do we have booking restrictions on the system?
Imagine a scenario where,
Let’s assume that this unit is going to be vacant from 31st July onwards.
Lack of restriction in booking leads to a loss of revenue: In this case, if a prospect/lead is allowed to make a booking for 1st September, the operator loses out on the revenue that they could have earned in August and finding a booking exactly from 1st August to 31st August is also challenging. This can get particularly tricky when the number of units that is being managed increases.
How we can help
solve the problem?
Our system allows operators to set booking windows, allowing them to define the timeframe for valid reservations.
Now, with this in place, let’s take a look at what this translates to with the same example as above:
Let’s assume that this unit is going to be vacant from 31st July onwards.
An operator can configure a booking restriction on our system which will allow bookings up to _______ day(s) from the day the prospect opens the booking website.
If an operator chooses to allow prospects to make a booking within the next 5 days from the latest availability, this means that when the prospect opens the booking site, the prospect can only check in 5 days from 31st July (the date on which the unit becomes vacant). This helps operators control the loss in revenue.
Note: This restriction does not have an impact on the check-out date.